
What Are The Best Cannabis Strains For Focus?

Focus is no easy thing to achieve. It is possibly more common nowadays to find people who have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. The rise of technology and the digital age have made it very easy for us to become distracted. Even if we don’t happen to suffer from any of these conditions, we usually need to apply a stronger effort to concentrate when necessary.

Aim at Enhancing Our Own Focus

It is no secret that cannabis can help those who use it concentrate with more effectiveness. Not all cannabis variants have the same effects in us as we consume them, therefore, if we aim at enhancing our own focus, we should find a strain that makes us feel focused and productive. However, the task itself is not as easy as it seems. In order to find the focusing strain that we want, we should try and figure out why we have such a hard time achieving focus in the first place. Is there a specific reason setting our own concentration capacity off? Are our thoughts running wild in our head? 

As of this moment, research on this subject is scarce. It will likely take a while before we can know whether or not cannabis might be particularly beneficial for people suffering from ADD or ADHD and help them cope with their deficiencies. Cannabis enthusiasts who have a hard time concentrating tend to experiment with different strains in order to accomplish the amount of focus they desire. Whether it’s a strain with a high percentage of THC, with high CBD, or a balanced mix, there is a chance one strain will work wonders for you when you need to achieve maximum concentration. 

The Best Cannabis Strains For Increasing Focus

True OG:

In spite of popular belief, most people who have a hard time concentrating don’t need a strain that powers up their brain. In fact, they need a strain that calms them down just so that they can quiet their thoughts and concentrate on a single thing one-at-a-time. True OG is an effective strain with a strong indica dose. Cannabis users and enthusiasts all over the world acknowledge that this strain helps them alleviate stress and keep their mind off of distractions. Considering these effects, increased focus will be within reach of the person using True OG.

Green Crack:

Rumor has it that Snoop Dogg himself baptized this strain formula as Green Crack, because of how stimulating its effects are. Ever since it was born, Green Crack has marveled cannabis users for its particular wonders. This strain sharpens the senses and makes daily experiences seem more vibrant and enticing. On a side note, it has a very pleasant citrus taste that easily makes it stand out among the other strains on this list.


This strain has a high CBD dosage, which is ideal for people who have a really hard time concentrating. Unlike True OG, Harlequin manages to make users achieve an agile mental focus while also providing them with a pleasant physical feeling that is, above all, soothing. Some users who have tried this strain have expressed that the high can fluctuate between euphoric stimulation and calming sensations. However, Harlequin usually doesn’t deviate too much from a 5:2 ratio of CBD:THC.


Professionals from the cannabis industry often say that, if that cup of coffee late at night didn’t get the job done and you’re feeling sleepy, Cinex is the strain for you. Cinex fills the user with an intense euphoric feeling, which particularly sparks a great sense of creativity. Concentrating is not only a simple task for people using this strain, it’s also an enjoyable thing. However, if you happen to be a very anxious person, you should probably treat Cinex with a little extra precaution. People who are sensitive to the effects of THC may not fancy it as much as the other strains on this list.

Sour Diesel:

This is one of the most popular and famous strains out there. As part of its effects, it manages to work in treating ADD and ADHD. Users who try Sour Diesel claim it allows them to see dull activities in a way that is notably more stimulating. Although a euphoric feeling that is fast-paced and stimulating helps you concentrate more, you should stay mindful of the dosage you use. A Sour Diesel overdose might as well be the antithesis of its renowned effects.

Harle Tsu:

This strain with a high CBD dosage and low levels of THC could be described as a mix between the Harlequin and Sour Tsunami strains. Its stand-out effect is a calming sensation that renders the user thoroughly clear-headed. The high has almost no intoxicating effects, which leaves the cognitive faculties as able as usual. Users who have a hard time coming by Harle-Tsu may choose to try a similar synthesis with high CBD components, such as the Canna-Tsu strain. 

Blueberry Headband:

As the name suggests, this strain is a synthetic formulation from the Headband and Blueberry strains. As such, it delivers a cerebral effect that boosts creativity and focus. Since it is a balanced strain, it also has counter-active CBD properties which soften the euphoric qualities that increase concentration in the user. The overall result is a full-body sensation that slows down thoughts and enhances focus.


This strain is a mixed combination of Hindu Kush and Blueberry. It delivers two of the most soothing qualities from the strains helping cope with loss of focus, such as sleepiness and appetite. For people who have been prescribed very strong psychostimulating drugs, this strain will be very helpful in diminishing their impact. People who have a hard time coping with these medications and also find it difficult to concentrate will make the most from Goo.

Jupiter OG:

This strain is not only helpful for those looking to increase their concentration levels. It especially comes in handy when said users are trying to cope with their disadvantages through medications such as opioids. As such, Jupiter OG helps users regain restfulness and appetite. Its indica-high dose also increases focus, even though cannabis enthusiasts still differ from when exactly during the day it’s most effective.

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